Our Story

Sleep When You’re Dead was founded in 2018 by Yasmin Khraishi and Katherine Easthill. 

They became friends in 2015 through a shared love of music and nightlife and shared concerns with the fashion industry. 

During university Katherine began to experiment with handwriting as pattern inspired by bathroom graffiti she saw on nights out. The messages of affection or insult, excerpts of poetry and song lyrics. How they came together and covered walls floor to ceiling. A visual representation of the brief friendships and camaraderie found in the girls loo. From there she started painting fabrics.

Yasmin a pattern cutter and designer, took these and made a series of slip dresses, she started to wear them on nights out and to house parties. People started to ask questions and as a result Sleep When You’re Dead was born. 

Hand-painting the fabric is a slow process and one that can be tailored to each customer. Also by doing everything by hand they were able to reserve the scraps to make smaller pieces (headbands, scrunchies). With a background in studying sustainable fashion it was here that Yasmin saw the opportunity to create a slow clothing brand. 

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